The cornerstone of our democracy, of our constitution and its Bill of Rights, is the principle stated in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ... That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” The Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment’s right to bear arms, stems from this combination of the right to life and liberty and the government’s responsibility to create a system where that is reasonably possible.
Our nation stands under attack … not from without, but from within. Both our politics and our culture have been corrupted.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Right to Life v the Right to Own Guns
The cornerstone of our democracy, of our constitution and its Bill of Rights, is the principle stated in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ... That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” The Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment’s right to bear arms, stems from this combination of the right to life and liberty and the government’s responsibility to create a system where that is reasonably possible.
2nd Amendment,
gun control,
gun rights,
Newtown shootings
Saturday, November 24, 2012
When Ego Drives Politics, Can There Be Any Hope?
We can rant all we want about the insufferable and destructive attitude and policies of the Tea Party and its fellow travelers, but truth be told, virtually all politicians are sorely lacking.
Martin Luther King said, "Someone must have sense enough and religion enough to cut off the chain of hate and evil, and this can only be done through love." To that I say, "Amen."
American culture,
class warfare,
conservative talk,
foreign policy,
Martin Luther King,
religious tolerance,
social contract
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Media and the Polarization of America
We have become so accustomed to the extreme polarization of our country that began in earnest during Clinton’s second term and has gone off the deep end during the past few years with the creation and ascendency of the Republican Tea Party movement, that it’s hard to remember that there was a time not that long ago when things were very different. But they were,
conservative talk,
Tea Party
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
We Must Reform Our Election System
We have just witnessed the most obscene election in American history. Obscene in the sense that $2.6 billion was spent on the presidential race. Obscene in that the Supreme Court’s decision that money = speech gives new meaning to the phrase, money talks. Obscene in that the Supreme Court’s decision that corporations are people entitled to their right of free speech meant that corporations as well as individuals could spend unlimited amounts of money in support of their preferred candidate.
But at least such reform needs to become part of the public discussion. Someone in Congress needs to have the guts make this his or her cause. And perhaps one day, just as public opinion has evolved on other matters. the public will come to demand such reform and the politicians will have to comply.
Friday, November 2, 2012
How Can Evangelicals Embrace Capitalism and the Republican Party?
Over the past 30-40 years, the Religious Right has gone from total noninvolvement with politics to total involvement to partial domination. As a general matter, and more specifically in recent years, they have endorsed capitalism and the concept that each person is responsible for himself, they have endorsed a limited role for government, and they have tenaciously fought for the right to life of the unborn and against same-sex marriage or any kind of gay rights that gives homosexuals the approval of society.
It is only the presence of government regulation, which began in the early 20th century and has grown over the years, that has resulted in corporations [capitalists] being able to claim to be responsible members of society. But they are not reformed. Even today with all the regulation we have, if there is an area where there is no regulation, or it is hazy, or they dislike it, capitalists will do whatever they can get away with regardless of its impact on the broader society or their workers. It is simply the nature of the beast.
gay marriage,
gay rights,
Religious Right,
same-sex marriage,
social contract,
Tea Party
Monday, October 15, 2012
What If All Religions Viewed Other Religions As Equal?
First let’s start with some basic facts. For millennia now, three of the world’s major religions have believed in one God. Whether one is Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, when one speaks or prays to God, one is praying to the same being. Indeed, the ancient history of these religions are to be found in the same story. Where they separate is in their belief of who the true prophet of God was and then they further separate based on the institution that best represents the faith or the sub-prophet that is more worthy of adoration.
religious conflict,
religious exclusivity,
religious liberty,
religious tolerance
Thursday, October 4, 2012
What Obama Should Have Said But Didn't
Opening Statement: I want to be a president for all the people, whether rich or poor, Democrat or Republocan ... not just the 54% that don't receive any government benefits. I will not write off any American.
Entitlements: Just a few weeks ago, Governor Romney, in a private gathering of donors, sounded very different from the way he is sounding tonight speaking to all of you. He said that the 46% of Americans who receive government benefits feel like victims, that they have become dependent on government. It sounded like he felt they were losers. I strongly disagree. The seniors who have paid into Social Security all their lives, the injured veterans coming back from Iraq and all our wars after having fought for their country ... these are people who have paid their dues, they are indeed entitled to support from the government at this point in their lives. What about the poor? The poor who have never had a fair chance to get ahead because of poor schooling, a government obligation, deserve the support of the government to help them pursue their dreams of life, liberty, and happiness. That is why President Clinton turned welfare into workfare.
The Role of Government: As it says in the Declaration of Independence, the role of government is to "secure these rights" ... meaning the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, government's role is to create a situation where everyone has at least an equal opportunity to pursue those rights. The government needs to be there for all the people, and especially those who are at a point in their lives when they are facing hardship and are vulnerable ... whether it is from old age, from natural disaster, from injury received in defense of their country, from unjust discrimination, or being born on the wrong side of the tracks. That is the ethic of the American sense of government, the American social contract.
Health Care: No, Governor, you're wrong. We do not have the best health care system in the world. Far from it. Despite spending more money by far on health care per person than the rest of the world, the United States consistently scores near the bottom of the pack of industrialized countries on almost every measurable outcome of national health. That is why the board, that you are so fond of mentioning, was created. While places like the Cleveland Clinic and several others have instituted practices that have delivered better health care at lower cost, the rest of the health care industry has not embraced those examples and so our costs keep rising while we have unsatisfactory health care outcomes. This is clearly confirmed in a recent report by the Institute of Medicine. The board was created so that these excellent health care practices developed by private clinics would be mandated for the entire health care industry. So that we can at the same time significantly lower costs while improving people's health.
Closing: I have tried to be the President for all Americans. Countless times during my first four years, I have reached across the aisle on all the major issues to try to work with Repulican legislators. But in virtually each and every case, the Republicans just said, "no." They have stated very bluntly, as did the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, that their sole goal was to see that I would be a one-term president. Every decision they have made was to weaken me by weakening the country. During the Republican primary season and at the nominating convention, Governor Romney sounded like the most radical of the radical Tea Party Republicans. He wrote off almost half of America's citizens, half of you. Tonight he tried to make you believe he is now once again the old caring Mitt Romney who was Governor of Massachusetts. I ask you ... who is he? How will he really govern?
Health care,
presidential debate,
role of government,
Romney Obama debate
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Romney Shows His Dark Side
Whatever else one could say
about Mitt Romney … that he was a flip-flopper, an opportunist, that there was
no “there” there … one couldn’t say that he was a nasty man. One felt that he
would do or say anything he had to to become president, but that he would stop
short of being nasty.
Well, that barrier has fallen. On the stump the other day, Romney said
that no one had ever asked him for his birth certificate … that everyone knew
without question where he was born, where he was from. How despicable!
Clearly, this was a
reference to the Obama birth certificate canard. Although obliquely, Romney with this statement signaled to
the “Birther” movement that he was one with them. And he signaled that no blow would be too low for him to
throw in this election campaign.
So not only is Romney an
opportunist … witness his most recent proposal that states be given the right
to control drilling and mining on federal lands … but far worse than that (for
among politicians this character trait is not unusual), he has shown that he
has no shame. And that should be
beyond the pale, certainly for someone aspiring to be president of this great
Obama birth certificate,
Friday, August 24, 2012
Republicans’ Seven Biggest Lies
The propaganda theory of
“the big lie” is that if you tell a lie big enough often enough, people will
begin to believe it, and the Republicans are masters of this tactic. The
Republican Party has been selling the American public a bill of goods and
unfortunately the public is falling for the scam. They want the average
American to think that they are going to protect their interests and that the
Democrats will ruin them. This is
a classic “big lie” if ever there was one.
Their “argument” is based on
the following subsidiary lies, which fall predominantly into two categories …
the economy and health care/Obamacare:
Lies About the Economy
Lie #1: The financial crisis
and joblessness is the fault of big government, of government regulation.
Fact: The financial crisis was caused by rich
investment bankers and mortgage brokers trying to find a way to make a fast
buck at the expense of ordinary Americans or small-fry investors. It happened
because people in the financial industry are greedy and cannot be allowed to
regulate themselves.
Lie #2: The financial crisis
continues because of the failure of the Obama stimulus package and the increasing
government deficit.
Fact: The Obama stimulus package, while not
creating many new jobs, resulted in preventing the elimination of millions of
jobs, especially state and local jobs.
This kept the country out of a second Great Depression.
Fact: Once the stimulus funds were spent,
Republican-led efforts to slash the budget in order to cut the deficit have
made the jobless crisis far worse by reducing support for state and local
governments, causing increased unemployment in that area that the stimulus had
prevented and stalling the recovery.
Fact: The deficit, while large and
undesirable, is more of prac†ical concern to investors in government bonds, and
interestingly rather than fleeing from US bonds, investors continue to flock to
them as a safe haven in this volatile global financial market.
Lie #3: The key to getting
the American public back to work is cutting taxes for the rich and
corporations, as well as cutting the deficit.
Fact: Cutting taxes for the rich only helps
the rich get richer. There is no
trickle down effect, as was proven during the Reagan years. Reducing corporate taxes only
results in corporations and their investors making more money; it does not
encourage investment and job creation unless the tax cuts are specifically tied
to that effort. Corporations are into doing more with less labor; they have no
interest in job creation or giving raises. It’s not that they don’t have the money … they are sitting
on $1.74 trillion … yes trillion … dollars of cash.
Income inequality between the very rich and the rest of us is worse now than at
any time in US history. And income
stagnation for the average American is a real crisis.
Fact: Cutting the deficit by cutting funding
for all sorts of programs and support for state and local governments will only
make the job situation even worse by increasing layoffs at all levels, as it
has already done.
Lie #4: The answer is not the government;
government is the problem.
Fact: The crisis was caused by market forces
working in a for-all-practical-purposes unregulated atmosphere. Its only guide was greed. Even Alan Greenspan has admitted that
his theory that the market would be self-regulating was an error. The answer to protecting the American
public from this type of thing happening again is regulation of the financial
sector that has teeth in it. The
Republicans are dead set against such regulation. The Democrats support it.
We got out of the Great Depression through massive government spending
including the WWII effort. In a
financial crisis, the private sector has no interest in investing. Their only concern is protecting or
growing their profits. Thus they
find ways to do less with more, which is great for their shareholders, but bad
for the American worker. We need
more government stimulus, hang the impact on the deficit, in order to get the
unemployed back to work.
The Lies About Health
Lie #5: Obamacare will get
between you and your doctor and reduce the quality of your medical care.
There is nothing whatsoever in Obamacare that would do this. It is built on the existing private
insurance system. It is not a “government takeover” in any sense, which
Medicare actually was, although interestingly everyone loves that.
Lie #6: Obamacare will force individuals to get
health insurance. The implication of this is that individuals who cannot afford
health insurance will be forced to buy it or suffer a penalty.
One of the main drives behind the enactment of Obamacare was to provide health
insurance to the millions of Americans who don’t have it as part of their jobs
and who can’t afford to buy it. It
does this by subsidizing health insurance for those who can’t afford it. The
individual mandate will provide health insurance and proper medical care to
millions of Americans who currently can’t afford access.
Republicans have for the last 20 years urged the individual mandate as part of
any health care reform. It was
central to the bill that Governor Romney supported in Massachusetts. Now they
are against it solely because it’s a Democrat-passed program.
Lie #7: Obamacare will
ration health care.
There is nothing in Obamcare that would ration health care. There are measures
in the law that encourage the medical profession to apply their group knowledge
more consistently so that everyone gets the best care and money is not wasted
on unnecessary or counterproductive procedures.
Fact: Contrary to the statements of
Republican talk show hosts and some Congressmen, there is no “death panel” in
Obamacare. What the law does encourage is for doctors to talk about end of life
issues with their patients so that the patients’ desires regarding various
levels of medical effort will be known and respected.
Bottom line … Republican politicians
and radio talk show hosts have presented a Big Lie to the American public. And
by saying it over and over again, and by the Democrats not effectively
countering the lie, a large segment of the American public has come to believe
the lie. But in fact, Republicans are only concerned with protecting the
interests of the rich and corporations; they have no concern for the average
American. It is instead Democrats who are fighting to protect the well-being of
the average American.
There is no question that
government is not the entire solution … the private sector and individuals have
a major role to play … but government is certainly a necessary part of the
big government,
Health care,
individual mandate,
tax cut
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
A Troubled Republic On This July 4th
As we celebrate this July 4th,
the state of our republic is troubled. Two core principles of American democracy are under attack … the role of
government and the democratic process. And the attack is cynically being waged
under the banner of protecting our system and our rights from the power of
As we all know, the Declaration of
Independence’s most famous line is, “All men are created equal,” and that they
have “unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Less commonly known are the
words that follow … “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted
among men.” In other words, the role of government is to act in a way so as to
secure the rights of the people to equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of
Both of these thoughts were
truly revolutionary in a world where governments were in the hands of and
benefited solely those with power and wealth. This new view of the role of
government and the equality of all people was the cornerstone of the American
republic, despite the fact that it would take almost a century for
African-Americans to become legally equal and another 50 years for women.
Over the course of the last
century, after suffrage was made universal and all citizens were finally deemed
to have the rights embodied in the Declaration, the role of government in
securing those unalienable rights for all evolved of necessity to helping the
less fortunate through a variety of government programs. Prominent among them have been universal
education, Social Security, labor laws, government welfare, and
Without these programs,
government recognized that the legal equality of all people was meaningless.
People needed to be given real equal opportunity to pursue their rights. Both
Republicans and Democrats agreed on this basic principle, but would of course
regularly disagree on the particulars of government programs to secure that
With regards to the process
of our democracy since universal suffrage, it can best be summarized by the
dictum, “One man, one vote.” This means that every citizen of voting age should
be able to vote and that each person’s vote should count the same.
Viewed in this light, the
Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United makes a farce of our democratic process by caring
only for form, not substance. If those with wealth and power have the ability
through television advertising to in effect control an election because of the
disproportionate influence of such advertising, then those with wealth and
power have achieved their aims through the back door. Who votes is of little consequence if the real power lies
Only if candidates are on an
equal or relatively equal financial footing can there be the fair contest of
ideas that is essential to our democracy and to the efficacy of freedom of
The health of our economy
and the business community is of vital importance to the health of our country
and the welfare of its citizens. But we have long since passed the day when one
would say, “What’s good for General Motors, is good for the country.” The same
criticism holds true for the radical pro-business, anti-government policies of
the Koch brothers, the Tea Party, and their Republican allies. Our democracy
depends on a balance between private rights, the public good, and government.
We are as Lincoln said, a
government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Let us not
pervert that heritage by making our system a government “of big business, by
big business, and for big business.” Let us learn from the past, not return to
1st Amendment,
Citizens United,
Free Speech,
Koch brothers,
one man one vote,
role of government,
Tea Party
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Savings Lives Doesn’t Count If There’s No Profit!
Another example of the failure of American-style capitalism appeared recently in a New York Times report. There is a generic drug, transexamic acid, which was shown in a large multi-country trial in 2010 to save the lives of hemorrhaging trauma patients by slowing their bleeding.
The British and American armies began using the drug immediately with great success, saving lives of badly injured soldiers. It is used in British hospitals and is carried in British ambulances.
The drug could save an estimated 4,000 lives in the United States each year … victims of car crashes, stabbings, and shootings. Yet American hospitals have been “slow” to begin using it.
Why? The drug is cheap. So cheap that there is little profit in it for its manufacturer, and so it has not marketed the drug, hasn’t pushed it. And if a pharmaceutical company doesn’t push a drug, it doesn’t get used.
Finally, however, hospitals in several cities are now “debating” its use. But in most others, it is not being considered.
This is a scandal and yet another indictment of American-style capitalism. There’s nothing wrong with making a profit. But profit should never be a factor when it comes to providing health care.
If everyone in the health care field … from drug manufacturers to hospitals to doctors groups … were by law required to be not-for-profit organizations, we would not have many of the types of problems that we have with health care in the United States.
To those who will say that taking away the profit incentive would negatively impact innovation, I say, “nonsense.” Three reasons. First, the people inventing drugs or delivering services do so because they are motivated and have professional pride. Second, drug companies would continue to innovate because new products and increased sales leads to greater security for its labor force. Third, it might actually increase innovation because a drug would not be deep-sixed because it wasn’t going to be sufficiently profitable.
Taking the profit motive out of American health care would more than likely greatly improve the entire system and the quality of care Americans receive, which contrary to the posturing of some politicians is consistently shown in international studies to rank rather low compared to the other industrialized countries.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Energy Policy Ignores the Elephant in the Room: Saving Us from Global Warming and Peak Oil
In current thinking, the issues presented by global warming concern using less fossil fuel and replacing that energy source with alternative”clean” energy. We are all familiar with the options that are on the table: solar power, wind power, ethanol, and nuclear power. Oh and I suppose for accuracy one should add clean coal. There is also modest incremental talk of conservation.
However, there are problems with all of these “solutions.” Clean coal, which requires the deep burial of carbon dioxide, will never be politically or economically viable. For one, the energy companies want to be left off the hook legally if the gas should happen to escape its underground habitat and kill people. Then there’s the problem of removing mountaintops and the resulting environmental degradation to access the coal.
Nuclear power, at least nuclear fission, has the inescapable and unsolvable problem of what to do with the nuclear waste product that will remain radioactive for thousands of years. Nuclear fusion, which would be safer and produce less radioactive waste is still experimental; a test reactor is under construction in France.
The remaining “green” options are generally agreed not to have the capacity to provide anywhere close to our massive energy needs. And even the green options, including electric cars, would need massive amounts of energy … generated by fossil fuels, of course … to be financially viable. Corn ethanol, which has only thrown world corn markets into a frenzy resulting in increased food costs for the poor, has been proven to be worthless as an energy saver.
If one is objective, one therefore has to say that all the talk about substantially reducing our carbon footprint through the use of alternative energy sources just is not very realistic, given our current and future dependence on energy, which will just get worse as the world population grows and more of it experiences modern development.
And as one thinks about this issue, it is important to remember that there is another energy-related catastrophic event waiting to happen out there … it’s not just global warming. At some point in the future … whether it’s starting to happen already as some argue or will happen in 20 or 50 or 100 years … we will reach “peak oil.” The availability of oil then will be drastically reduced and the price of what oil is available will skyrocket to unimaginable heights.
So if one is trying to plan for the future, the inescapable question that must be addressed is how can modern man live, with a reasonable level of creature comfort (one must be practical), using only a fraction of the energy that is being used today. Only if that question can be realistically answered is there any hope for mankind’s future. If that question is not answered, sooner rather than later our economies will collapse, our standard of living will evaporate … the world will become a very ugly place, not all that different from the futuristic world depicted in “Mad Max.” We will have destroyed ourselves, not by nuclear weapons, but through our insatiable greed.
I certainly do not have the answer. What’s scary though, is that I am not aware of any great minds or think tanks that have addressed this issue and come up with various models for how we could live using only a fraction of the energy being used today. No one seems to be thinking or talking about this. This goes way beyond what could be achieved through conservation, energy-efficient appliances, green buildings, and the like. This would most likely require a massive change in the way we currently live.
To my mind, government and industry must join forces in a project even larger than the fabled Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb. The future of our children, and certainly our children’s children, will depend on whether and how this issue is addressed.
climate change,
energy policy,
global warming,
peak oil
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Rush Limbaugh, Have You No Shame, No Sense of Decency?
After many years of ruining peoples lives as part of his anti-Communist witch hunt, Senator Joseph McCarthy finally went too far in 1954 when he gratuitously exposed a young lawyer with a great future as having for a short time in the past been a member of what McCarthy termed a “Communist front organization” as a way of getting at, embarrassing, Joseph Welch, the lawyer for the Army, which was being attacked by McCarthy.
The response by Welch is famous. After saying that, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness,” he said, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?
Today, Rush Limbaugh sunk to a far more unfathomable low. He was commenting on a young woman who had testified before Congress supporting the provision of the Health Care Reform Act that requires health insurance, with the usual limited religious exemptions, to provide free access to contraception.
Although I think it bizarre, I have no problem with him being against that provision, as is the Catholic Church and many evangelical leaders. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. It’s the American way.
But Rush Limbaugh did not just speak out against this provision. Instead, he lashed out in the most vile, misogynistic, cruel, and reckless manner at the young woman who testified. Here is what he said:
First he called her a “slut” and a “prostitute.” Then added, “So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives ... We want something for it. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”
To which I, and I hope all of America will say, “Sir, have you no sense of decency at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”
I urge all the companies who sponsor his program to withdraw their support, thereby making a statement that such reckless vilification is not acceptable. It is against everything that America stands for.
Catholic bishops,
Joe McCarthy,
Rush Limbaugh
Saturday, February 18, 2012
You Say You Believe in the Bible?
I think that if someone believes in the Bible as God’s word and thus infallible, then you need to treat everything in the Bible in the same manner, following all of His instructions. You can’t pick and choose which rules you want to follow and which ones you deem outmoded or not appropriate for the times because that would make it your Bible, not God’s.
The Catholic Church, Evangelicals, and others on the Right use the Bible to argue that homosexuality is a sin, indeed an “abomination,” and thus should be outlawed and not given any support or recognition by society or government. While the lesson of many of the passages often cited by opponents (for example, Sodom and Gomorrah) have nothing to do with homosexuality (in the case of S&G, it is about violence and inhospitality), there are without question two passages that directly speak to the issue of male to male sex (although the Bible puts it more quaintly, the point is clear).
In Leviticus 18:22, male to male sex is termed an “abomination.” Leviticus 20:13 goes further and says that those engaging in male to male sex “shall surely be put to death.” Pretty strong words, no doubt.
But let’s put these sections in context. The Bible terms more than 60 things an abomination. Included are: lying (Proverbs 12:22), eating food that isn’t kosher (Leviticus 11), a proud look (Proverbs 6:16), the proud of heart (Proverbs 16;5), adultery (Ezekiel 18:6-13), lying with a menstruating woman (Ezekiel 18:6-13), and what is highly esteemed among men (Luke 16:15). With the exception of adultery, no one on the Right would argue that these acts be outlawed or termed a serious sin (with the exception of the Jewish ultra-orthodox … they are consistent).
But, someone on the Right may say, these other acts don’t carry with them a death penalty; we may not believe such sanctions are appropriate in this modern age, but surely that signifies the seriousness of the sin and sets it apart. Sorry, but that doesn’t work either.
The Bible says that anyone who curses his father or mother should be put to death (Leviticus 20:9) and that a man and woman who commit adultery should be put to death (Leviticus 20:10.) In Exodus 35:2, it says that anyone who works on the Sabbath shall be put to death. Again, with the exception noted above, I doubt that there are many people, regardless how far Right, who would say that people who curse their parents or work on the Sabbath are guilty of a serious sin that should have legal consequences.
So unless those who foam at the mouth about homosexuality being an abomination are willing to have all the other abominations and death-sanctioned acts treated in the same way … ostracized from society, criminalized, and with no support or protection from government … then I say that they should take their Bibles and their picket signs (“God Hates Fags”) and go home and do some serious spiritual meditation on what they believe.
gay rights,
Monday, January 16, 2012
Republicans Say the Common Man Be Damned
In their desire to stop Mitt Romney from getting the Republican nomination, several of his opposing candidates have over the past week highlighted his role in Bain Capital, a private equity firm. They said Romney took over companies not to heal them and make them prosper but to gut them, fire employees, and eventually close them while making a tidy profit for Bain. The term coined was, “vulture capitalist.”
This was too much for the capitalist backers of the Party, even for some strong conservatives that generally have little use for Romney. Gingrich and Perry were admonished for their attacks on capitalism.
The headline that the Democrats should make sure is emblazoned in the minds of all voters from this episode should be, “REPUBLICANS SAY THE COMMON MAN BE DAMNED.”
If nothing else the Republicans are being consistent. Whether it’s their position on companies like Bain Capital or the fraudulent activities of the big banks that precipitated the current economic crisis, or their opposition to any meaningful regulation of the financial industry to protect the consumer and the economy as well as virtually all environmental regulation, the Republicans have only one interest … protecting the interests of their big business donors. Let them do what they want to fatten their wallets. If the average man suffers, tough.
Next to the positive message of where the Democrats want to lead this country and how that will help the average citizen, branding the Republicans is of critical importance if they hope to be victorious in 2012. All voters, and especially middle-income voters, need to be very clear on where the two parties stand on issus affecting their welfare.
2012 election,
middle-income voters,
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