Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Proven Way to Contain Coronavirus

Most of the world is struggling to contain the coronavirus,  With most countries approaching the coronavirus in a decidedly low tech and not very effective way: limiting the mass movement of people.  

The problem is that the people whose movement you really want to limit are those that are infected, but since there is inadequate testing, you don’t know who they are.  So you have to resort to mass shutdowns. Which helps but doesn’t stop infected individuals unwittingly infecting others in non-mass settings, for example the local grocery store.  

What shutdowns do effectively instead is strangle the economy, hurting almost everyone.  This should be the last resort of government, not the first resort.

But other countries - South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore - have successfully used the high tech way to contain the virus: aggressively test and then track the contacts of those who test positive.  Free testing must be provided to all individuals who think they might have the virus or have been exposed to the virus.  You can’t have a successful quarantine and tracking program without adequate testing.

The companion to testing and tracking is low tech face masks.  Free face masks should be provided for all individuals who test positive or who have any kind of respiratory problem.  Face masks for those infected are essential to inhibit transmission.

What about face masks for the rest of the population?  If you live in an area of medium to high population density, and there are reported cases, then everyone should wear a face mask when they are out and about.  It makes it less likely that you will contract the virus.

Certainly no one should be allowed on public transportation … whether a bus, subway, train, plane, or ship … without wearing a face mask.  In each of these situations, you have people packed in a confined area.  Since there’s always the possibility of having contact with someone who is infected but asymptomatic, everyone should wear a mask.

So what do we need to do, at a minimum?  
  1. We need to have millions of tests available ASAP, and the lab capacity to handle tests in large numbers.  All testing should be free.
  2. Quarantine and tracking should be rigorous.
  3. Daily temperature taking should be universal.
  4. We need to assure an adequate supply of face masks and they should be supplied for free at convenient locations.
  5. We need a smart nationwide marketing campaign to encourage people to practice good hygiene, get tested and to wear masks; mandatory on public transportation.
  6. People need to take responsibility and self-isolate and report themselves if they feel they may have the virus, even if testing is not available, or if they have come into contact with someone who is infected.
  7. Screen everyone coming into the country.

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